Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Policies and Procedures for Students

There are numerous policies and procedures, some of which are listed below, that students should read and follow up with student services staff if they have questions.

Presence and Use of Animals at CCC Facilities and Events


Bona fide service animals may accompany students, employees, and visitors with disabilities to all Central Community College (CCC) events, activities, and locations. Local, state and federal laws regulate the use of service animals at CCC locations and/or events. Animals associated with a college-related program of study (e.g., livestock) or research laboratory activity (e.g., mice) are not covered by these guidelines.


  • Service Animal - A bona fide service animal is any animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability.
  • Therapy Animal/Emotional Support Animal (ESA) - A therapy/emotional support animal does not assist an individual with a disability in the activities of daily living and generally does not accompany a person with a disability all the time.
  • Pet - A domesticated animal (e.g., dog, cat, ferret, snake, bird, etc.) kept for pleasure or companionship.
  • Partner/handler - A person with a service or therapy animal, or pet.
  • Responsible Administrator - Campus Administrator (for on-campus events), or Dean of Extended Learning Services (for off-campus classes/activities).

Pets and Therapy Animals at CCC Locations and Events

Pets and therapy animals are generally not permitted in College facilities or at CCC events. Requests for exceptions to this general rule must be submitted to the responsible administrator prior to the event/activity and will be reviewed/decided on a case-by-case basis. Requests for Emotional Support Animals for residential students may be submitted to the campus Disability Services Director.

Requirements for all Animals and/or their Partners/Handlers

  • Vaccination: The animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. Other animals must have had the appropriate vaccination series for the type of animal.
  • Health: The animal must be in good health.
  • Under Control of Partner/Handler: The partner/handler must be in full control of the animal at all times.

Cleanup Rule

The partner/handler must clean up after the animal, including proper disposal of voided waste. Persons with disabilities who physically cannot clean up after their own service animal will not be required to do so. However, these individuals are to notify the appropriate person for the event/program of this circumstance when necessary.

When an Animal Can Be Removed

Service/assistance animals, therapy animals, and pets may be removed or restricted at a CCC location or event for reasons of disruption, health, uncleanness, and safety. For example, a partner/handler will be asked to remove the animal from the college facility or event if the animal is ill and/or when that animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of other persons and/or animals.

Areas Off-Limits to Animals

For safety and other reasons, all animals are restricted from certain areas, including laboratories, maintenance rooms/custodial closets, and areas where protective clothing is required. Requests for exceptions to this restriction must be submitted to the responsible administrator and will be reviewed/decided on a case-by-case basis.

Background Checks

Central Community College Background Check Guidelines can be found online www.cccneb.edu/BackgroundCheckGuidelines.

Civil Rights Violations/Title IX and Campus SaVE Act

Title IX is a landmark 1972 federal civil rights law that prohibits sexual harassment, gender -based discrimination, and sexual violence. Title IX provides that “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Under Title IX, Congress can withhold federal funds from colleges or universities that allow sexual discrimination or fail to take appropriate measures in response to such discrimination.

Members of the Central Community College (CCC) community, guests, and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of gender and sex-based discrimination, examples of which can include acts of sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. When an allegation of misconduct is brought to an appropriate administrator’s attention, and a respondent is found to have violated this policy, sanctions will be used to reasonably ensure that such actions are never repeated.

The Campus SaVE Act, a dramatic expansion to sexual violence reporting, was signed into law on March 7, 2013. CCC prohibits criminal offenses, including, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. CCC takes any complaint about sexual harassment or sexual assault very seriously. The college follows all of the guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Education and Office of Civil Rights (OCR). A more complete explanation of CCC’s procedures related to these issues is available online https://www.cccneb.edu/what-is-title-ix. The specific Civil Rights Procedures and Policies that address how the college handles these types of reports for college employees and students can be found online at www.cccneb.edu/CivilRights.

Computer Viruses

CCC is not responsible for loss of student data, software, or hardware caused by computer viruses. Students are responsible for maintaining virus-free data storage devices before using college computer equipment

Copyright-Digital Copying Law

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA), a federal law designed to protect the authors of intellectual works such as books, movies and music prohibits sharing these files. Copying and sharing someone else’s work may violate an author’s rights even when you are not selling the copies. For more information about CCC’s policy regarding the DMCA please reference the Copyright Policy online http://www.cccneb.edu/Copyright/.

Disciplinary Processes/Due Process

Students recommended for disciplinary action are entitled to due process of law. However, immediate interim action may be taken when necessary to protect the safety or rights of others or the college. Copies of the CCC Code of Student Conduct, including due process procedures are available upon request on each campus at the office of the Associate Dean of Students or online www.cccneb.edu/StudentCodeOfConduct.

Student Concern and Complaint Process

 Students may submit a concern or complaint related to instruction or any College offices or services online www.cccneb.edu/StudentComplaintProcess/

Guests and Visitors on Campus

Visitors/guests of the college or visitors/guests of students of the college are subject to the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the college.

Children on Campus

Unless appropriate to course content, children are not to be brought into a class/lab. Children should not be left unattended elsewhere on campus.

Illness or Accident on CCC Owned or Controlled Property

Central Community College (CCC) reserves the right to call a physician in case of student illness or call for ambulance service if, in the judgment of a college official, the situation merits such action. The student will be responsible for any costs related to medical or ambulance service.

Student/Visitor Medical Procedure

More information can be found on the College Information  page.

Infectious Diseases and AIDS Procedures

More information can be found on the College Information  page.

Missing Student Policy and Procedure

Central Community College (CCC) takes student safety very seriously. To this end, the college has developed a procedure in order to assist in locating CCC students living in on-campus housing, who based on the facts and circumstances known to the college are determined to be missing. This policy is in compliance with the Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, section 485 (j). The full Missing Student Procedure may be found online www.cccneb.edu/MissingStudentProcedure.

Official Communications

Each student is responsible for monitoring his/her Central Community College (CCC) email account for official communications from the College. Communications to the entire student body are considered properly delivered when they are placed on official campus bulletin boards, Canvas, and/or on WebCentral or the CCC website. Each student is responsible for regularly checking email, bulletin boards and websites.

A request that a student report to an administrative or faculty office may be made by letter, email or telephone. Failure to comply with such a request may result in disciplinary action under the CCC Code of Student Conduct which is available in the Dean of Students’ Office or online www.cccneb.edu/StudentCodeOfConduct.

Open Flames on College Property

More information can be found on the College Information  page.


The print management software “PaperCut” has been installed and provides management and use information on all Multi-Functional Devices (MFP’s) and printers. Students are allotted $10.00 for printing each semester as a part of the fees paid for each semester. Additional printing needs, beyond that set amount, may be purchased at Student Accounts. For more information about how PaperCut works, please check with a staff member at any campus Student Accounts Office.

Password Assistance and Service Center

Students may re-set their passwords either on-campus or off-campus. Instructions on how to do this as well as access to the Student Helpdesk is available online http://helpdesk.cccneb.edu.

Recommended Assessment and Placement

All certificate, diploma, and degree-seeking students, and those enrolling in a math, reading, writing, chemistry, physics or English Language Learner (ELL) courses are recommended to take a pre-enrollment assessment. Assessment scores will be accepted for recommended placement for degree and diplomas for three years from the date of the test.

The first two pre-enrollment assessments are free to CCC students.  A charge of $5 per test is assessed after the two free tests.

Contact the Assessment Office at any CCC campus to arrange to take the pre-enrollment assessment.

Privacy of Educational Records/FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (PL93-380), provides that all records pertaining to a student maintained by the college must be open to inspection by the student and may not be made available to any other person without the written authorization of the student. Students may grant written authorization to individuals that they specify by completing a Release of Information Form at a campus Registration Office.

FERPA rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. A “student” is defined as a person who has registered for coursework at Central Community College (CCC). This definition includes CCC students who may still be enrolled at a high school.

FERPA allows, but does not mandate, the release of directory information. CCC has designated the following as directory information: (1) student name, (2) address, (3) student email, (4) telephone number, (5) major, (6) dates of attendance at CCC, (7) date and place of birth, (8) degrees and awards received at CCC, (9) institutions attended prior to admission to CCC, (10) participation in recognized activities and sports, (11) weight and height of members of athletic teams, (12) photographs, and (13) enrollment status.

Students have the right to withhold disclosure of directory information. In order to do so, students must notify the Registration Office in writing that they do not want their directory information released.  Withholding disclosure of directory information would also mean that certain information about awards and honors such as Dean’s or President’s List recognition would not be shared.

Non-directory FERPA protected information is not released without the student’s official authorization. These items include but are not limited to: (1) Grades or transcripts, (2) Grade point average (GPA), and (3) Academic standing. Under certain circumstances, non-directory information can be released without the student’s written permission.

Examples of these circumstances include but are not limited to:

  • Legitimate educational purposes within CCC
  • To officials at an institution in which the student seeks to enroll
  • To comply with a court order or subpoena
  • In connection with a health or safety emergency if necessary, to protect the student and others
  • To parents of a student who is a dependent for income tax purposes
  • To parents of a student younger than 21 years of age if the disclosure concerns discipline for violation of the campus drug and alcohol policy.

CCC’s complete FERPA Procedures are located online www.cccneb.edu/FamilyEducationalRightsPrivacyAct.

Public Records Request

Information requested under the Buckley Amendment or the Nebraska Public Records Act will be responded to only after a written request has been received by either the Senior Director of College Communications or the College President. A copy of the written request, along with a copy of the information being released, will be maintained by the Vice President of Administrative Services for a period of two years from the date of the request.

Solomon Amendment

The Solomon Amendment allows military recruiters to request certain recruiting information from institutions about students. Most of the recruiting information data is considered directory information under FERPA or data that would normally be collected by Central Community College (CCC). The 1995/1996 National Defense Authorization Act and the 1997 Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act gave branches of the military access to student information including student’s name, address, telephone number, age or date of birth, class, and major. The Solomon Amendment requires that CCC cooperate and comply with requests from military recruiters for student information.

Tobacco Free Policy

More information can be found on the College Information  page.

Student Code of Conduct

Central Community College (CCC) has established rules and regulations for student conduct and behavior, both inside and outside the classroom. These regulations are explained further within the Student Handbook which is available online www.cccneb.edu/StudentHandbook. The demonstration of appropriate behavior and conduct, which fosters a positive campus harmony and respect for others, provides a solid foundation for an excellent learning environment to exist and flourish. Student rules of conduct are provided to protect the rights of others in the campus community (i.e. students, faculty, staff, and administration). These rules generally pertain to conduct which adversely affects the rights of others and/or violates laws, professional ethics or integrity. The complete Student Code of Conduct including possible sanctions should a student be found responsible for violating the Code, are located in the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students’ Offices or online www.cccneb.edu/StudentCodeOfConduct.

Student Governance

The College values a system and structure which allows for student involvement in various college/campus committees that recommend procedural and policy actions. Student participation on these committees has had a significant impact on the operation of the college over the years. Students may actively serve on or meet with the following committees: student senates/advisory groups, college cabinet, campus cabinets, food service, safety, diversity, residence hall and ad hoc committees. Some of these committees plan special events and social activities, voice student concerns, make recommendations to the college faculty and administration, and address problems. Membership, election/selection processes, and operating procedures vary among the campuses. More information can be found in the Student Handbook online www.cccneb.edu/StudentHandbook.

Student Insurance

Students are responsible for their own health and accident insurance coverage. Student insurance plans are available through a number of insurance carriers.

Students enrolling in allied health and nursing programs may be charged for the cost of providing professional liability insurance. Students should check with faculty and/or administrators responsible for their program of study regarding this insurance coverage.

Student Right to Know - Crime Statistics and Fire Safety

The Campus Annual Security Report can be viewed online www.cccneb.edu/AnnualSecurityReport. Notifications of the availability of this document are sent to all faculty, staff, and students in the fall of every year. A printed copy of this report is available on request from the College Security Office or an Associate Dean of Students Office. The report contains a great deal of information. An important part of the report is the fire and crime statistics for the previous three calendar years. These statistics include events that occurred on campus and also on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

The report also contains information about safety policies and procedures, including CCC’s missing student policy, substance abuse prevention, what to do in the event of severe weather, lockdown procedures, how to report sexual misconduct and important definitions and procedures related to sex crimes and misconduct, and many others.

Crime and Fire Logs

Central Community College (CCC) maintains a daily crime log in accordance with Clery Act regulations. The purpose of the daily crime log is to record criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that occur on CCC controlled property or on public property directly adjacent to CCC controlled property. This log is available for public inspection online www.cccneb.edu\dailycrimelog. Members of the public who would like a paper copy of the daily crime log should contact the College Security Office or the Associate Dean of Students’ at either the Columbus, Grand Island or Hastings Campuses.

CCC maintains a fire log in accordance with Clery Act regulations at the Columbus and Hastings Campuses. The purpose of the fire log is to record and make available important information related to any fires that may have occurred on campus. This log is available for public inspection online www.cccneb.edu\dailycrimelog. Members of the public who would like a paper copy of the fire log should contact the College Security Office or the Associate Dean of Students at either the Columbus, Grand Island or Hastings Campuses.

Graduation/Completion Rates

A summary of important facts regarding graduation/completion rates may be viewed online www.cccneb.edu/GraduationCompletionRates. A printed copy of this report is available on request from the Institutional Research Office.

Student Safety and Health

The college provides an educational environment as free as possible from recognized hazards. Students and employees are expected to comply with all safety and health requirements whether established by the college or by federal, state, or local law.

Each campus has established a safety committee with the mission to create and preserve a safe and healthy environment for employees, students and visitors, on that campus. In additions, CCC has a College Safety Committee that helps guide the implementation of the best practices for student and employee health and safety consistently across all locations.

If a student, guest or visitor becomes ill, CCC reserves the right to call a physician or ambulance, if, in the judgment of a college official, the situation merits such action. Students are responsible for any costs related to medical or ambulance service.

Student Travel/School Sponsored Trips

Central Community College (CCC) believes that students can enhance their educational experiences at CCC by participating in off-campus travel learning experiences. Such travel broadens perspectives, contributes to one’s academic development, and helps foster an interest in lifelong learning experiences. The College has established Student Travel Guidelines to provide support and guidance for CCC personnel and students when planning for and participating in CCC-sponsored student trips. Additionally, these guidelines help ensure consistency and compliance with CCC policies and minimize risks. CCC faculty, staff, and students who are preparing for a CCC student travel activity should review and refer to the CCC Student Travel Guidelines prior to trip departure. 

Video Surveillance and Recording Policy

The College Board of Governors authorizes the use of video cameras on or about College property for security and safety purposes.
The President, or designee, shall approve the location video cameras and notify employees, parents and students through handbooks, information guides and/or other means of communication that video surveillance may occur on or about College property.
All video recordings and/or surveillance shall be without audio and shall remain the property of the College.
No employee shall record, by any means, the conversation of another employee without a legitimate purpose for the recording, the recording device in plain view, and the other employee’s full knowledge and consent of the recording.

Video Surveillance on College Property Procedures

Part 1. Purpose

This procedure establishes guidelines and responsibilities for the electronic surveillance system at Central Community College.

Part 2. Camera Location, Operation and Control
  1. College buildings and grounds may be equipped with video monitoring devices.
  2. Video cameras may be placed in areas where surveillance has been deemed necessary as a result of threats to personal safety, prior property damages, or security incidents.
  3. Cameras placed outside shall be positioned only where it is necessary to protect external assets or to provide for the personal safety of individuals on college grounds or premises.
  4. Cameras shall not be used to monitor private or semi-private rooms such as washrooms and offices.
  5. The IT Manager shall manage, control, and audit the use and security of monitoring cameras, monitors, tapes, computers used to store images, computer diskettes, and all other video records.
  6. Only individuals authorized by the IT Manager or College President shall have access to video monitors or be permitted to operate the controls.
  7. Video surveillance cameras shall not have audio recording capabilities; or any such audio capabilities will not be enabled if they are available.
Part 3. Notification
  1. Signs shall be posted to notify individuals of the area in which surveillance is conducted, hours during which surveillance is conducted (typically 24 hours per day), who within the organization is responsible for conducting surveillance, and the contact person who can answer questions about the surveillance system, including a telephone number for contact purposes.
Part 4. Use of Video Recordings
  1. Video recordings of students, staff, or others may be reviewed or audited for the purpose of determining adherence to official college policies, Student Academic/Non-Academic Conduct, and/or Nebraska State Statues.
  2. The college may use video surveillance to detect or deter criminal offenses that occur in view of the camera.
  3. Video recordings may be released to third parties in conformance with the requirements of a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency, or other investigative entities, i.e. insurance companies.
  4. The college or its administrators may use video surveillance and the resulting recordings for inquiries and proceedings related to law enforcement, deterrence, and student discipline.
  5. The college shall not use video monitoring for other purposes unless expressly authorized by the College President (or designee) or by another college policy or Nebraska State Statues.
Part 5. Protection of Information and Disclosure/Security and Retention of Recordings
  1. Videos are initially recorded on a computer hard disk. Information on the hard disk is retained until such time that the hard disk becomes full and then the oldest video segments are overwritten by the newest segments.
  2. No attempt shall be made to alter any part of a video recording.
  3. Video recordings that may be relevant to the investigation of an incident will be transferred from the computer hard disk onto removable media such as a CD or DVD.
  4. All saved video records not in use should be securely stored in a locked receptacle.
  5. All video records that have been saved pending the final outcome of an incident investigation shall be numbered, dated, and retained in a location to be determined by the IT Manager.
  6. The IT Manager or College President (or designee) must authorize access to all video records.
  7. A log shall be maintained by the IT Manager of all episodes of access to or use of recorded materials. The log shall include 1) the video number and date of recording, 2) the name of the individual or agency that was given access to the recording, 3) the date that access was given, 4) the reason that access was given, and 5) the date when access is no longer available to the individual or agency.
  8. Information contained within the video access log shall be considered public information, unless prohibited by law or judicial order.
  9. Video records that contain personal information used to make a decision directly affecting an individual must be retained for a minimum of one year and may be retained by the college indefinitely as a permanent archive.
  10. The college will provide reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the electronic surveillance network; however, the college cannot guarantee that access to the network through illegal methods is impossible.
Part 6. Disposal or Destruction of Recordings
  1. Copies of surveillance recordings need not be kept by the college if there have been no identified incidents within view of the surveillance cameras. In these cases, there will be no permanent record of the recordings.
  2. All saved recordings shall be disposed of in a secure manner unless they are archived as part of a permanent record as stated above in Part 5. Removable media shall be shredded, burned, degaussed, or otherwise made permanently unreadable.
Part 7. Video Monitors and Viewing
  1. Video monitoring for security purposes will be conducted in a professional, confidential, ethical, and legal manner.
  2. Only the IT Manager or individuals authorized by the IT Manager and members of law enforcement agencies shall have access to video monitors while they are in operation. Campus Presidents shall provide a list of employees’ recommended to have access to video monitors.
  3. Video monitors should be in controlled access areas wherever possible.
  4. Video records should be viewed on a need to know basis only, in such a manner as to avoid public viewing.

 All authorized individuals who have access to camera controls (such as pan, tilt, and zoom) will not monitor individuals based on characteristics of race, creed, color, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, public assistance status, age, or inclusion in any group or class protected by state or federal law. Camera control operators will monitor activity based on suspicious behavior, not individual characteristics.

Waiver of Liability

Central Community College is not liable for damage, theft, or loss of personal property. Students are advised to check their family insurance for coverage.