Feb 16, 2025  
2021-2022 College Catalog 
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services Offices, Programs and Activities


The Student Service division on each campus is responsible for admissions, academic success centers, assessment, registration, career information, residence life, career and employment services,counseling services, financial aid, disability services, student activities, organizations, student records, and academic advising. In addition to these on-campus services, CCC has established contractual relationships with Chartwells for food service and with Follett for campus bookstores.

Academic Skill Builder Workshops

The staff of the Academic Success Centers provide Academic Skill Builder Workshops for students who want to work on their skills to improve their placement scores outside of a traditional foundations course and at a much lower cost.  For more information, please contact the staff of the Academic Success Centers at the campus location most convenient for you.

Academic Success Centers

The Academic Success Centers (ASC) on each campus offer a variety of services designed to help students improve their academic performance including in-person and online tutoring services offered to students at no cost. The ASC also assists students in improving reading, writing, language and math skills to the level that college coursework demands. All services are available to currently enrolled CCC students taking courses either on-campus, through a distance-learning setting, or online.

The Academic Success Centers are located at:

  • Columbus Campus: Student Center, Room STCE119
  • Grand Island Campus: Room 453
  • Hastings Campus: Dawson Building, Room 430

Academic Transfer Specialists

Each campus has an Academic Transfer Specialist on staff. Academic Transfer Specialists are focused on helping students plan for transfer to four-year institutions. They provide information regarding admissions requirements, programs of study, transferability of courses, and scholarships. They are also highly knowledgeable about the articulation and 2+2 agreements CCC has with other colleges and universities. For more information on these agreements please visit the transfer page at www.cccneb.edu/transfer.


Central Community College (CCC) endorses the philosophy that the ultimate responsibility for making decisions about educational plans and life goals rest with the individual student. Therefore, the college’s advising program and the following guidelines are designed to assist students in developing educational plans that support their life goals.

Students pursuing a certificate, diploma, or degree are assigned an advisor.

When advising assistance is requested, students are advised to register for the number of credits considered reasonable by the student and the student’s advisor, considering the student’s ability and needs. Students will be challenged to work at their maximum potential and complete an associate degree or equivalent in two years or less.

Registration Restrictions – The following issues may be cause for college personnel to restrict the number of credit hours for which students may enroll in a semester: (1) failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, (2) attendance concerns, (3) availability of scheduled class time, and/or (4) other extenuating circumstances. Other special conditions may be established under which students can enroll including but not limited to regular meetings with counselors and advisors, enrollment in developmental courses, and/or completion of assessment tests.

Members of the faculty and Student Services staff serve as advisors. Student services provides information and support to advisors, including:

  1. Providing advisors with accurate and timely information about the policies, procedures, and processes which affect the advising relationship.
  2. Preparing and distributing materials to assist advisors in providing correct information to students regarding registration procedures, academic regulations, and graduation requirements.
  3. Ensuring that all advisors are informed as to the various campus resources which may be utilized for referral purposes.
  4. Ensuring that all advisors have access to necessary student records.
  5. Providing the resources and expertise of student services personnel in the delivery of advisement services.


Intercollegiate athletics are offered at the Columbus campus in the following sports: Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Golf, Women’s Softball, Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Soccer and Men’s Soccer. More information about intercollegiate athletics may be found on online at http://cccraiders.com.

Schedules of all competitive athletic events on campuses of Central Community College must have the approval in writing of the respective Vice President/Campus President. A copy of the approved schedule is on file on the NJCAA website www.njcaa.org/.

Regularly scheduled athletic events may be scheduled only within the geographic boundaries of Nebraska or within a 200-mile radius of the respective campus or unless otherwise approved by the College President.

Athletic Hall of Fame

The purpose of the Central Community College Athletic Hall of Fame is to honor former athletes, teams, coaches, and/or individuals who have distinguished themselves by making substantial contributions to CCC athletics. Criteria and information about the application and selection process as well as the Nomination Form are available online http://cccraiders.com click on Hall of Fame.

Campus Bookstores - Follett College Stores

Follett College Stores operates a bookstore at the Columbus, Grand Island and Hastings campuses. Besides books and school supplies, the bookstore also offers a variety of miscellaneous merchandise for student purchases. The bookstore establishes textbook refund policies as directed by the Follett College Stores. Customer hours are posted at each individual campus bookstore or you may order books online at www.bkstr.com/.

Career and Employment Services

Career and Employment Services are available to graduates and current students. The Career and Employment Staff is available to assist students in developing a plan for securing employment. This may include, but not be limited to, such activities as resume writing, job seeking techniques, company career information, letters of recommendation, and practice interviews. Career information, career assessment testing, and career advising services are available in the career planning/student service areas on each campus. Assistance is given in locating and arranging internship/cooperative education opportunities for college credit. Career exploration courses are available for students to investigate career options, set goals, and develop a career plan.

The staff of the Career and Employment Services Office on each campus maintain lists of current job openings, helps students prepare for the job search and can arrange on-campus interviews for the convenience of employers and students. This information is also accessible online www.cccneb.edu/Career-and-Employment-Services.

Part-time, full-time, and temporary job opportunities are available for both current students and graduates. The career and employment services office staff assists students in the job search, but it is the student’s responsibility to ultimately find and secure employment.

The Career and Employment Services office sponsors career events such as job fairs, workshops, presentations, etc.

An annual report which combines student and employer follow-up results and career and employment services offices accomplishments is available online www.cccneb.edu/cccgradreport. This report is compiled by CCC’s Institutional Research department under the supervision of the College Executive Vice President.

Career Coach

Central Community College (CCC) has partnered with EMSI, a CareerBuilder Company, to offer Career Coach to students and members of the community. Career Coach is a tool designed to help students find a new job quickly, or help students decide whether they should explore different careers that require a similar skill set. After entering some basic information about employment preferences, students will be presented with local and up-to-date career information including:

  • The CCC program of study that can prepare them for the career they are considering
  • Average wages by career
  • The number of people working in the career
  • The age breakdown of workers including a count of workers who are nearing retirement age
  • Real time job postings for the career and much more

Career Coach can provide students with the local and real time information that students need and help guide them in their job search efforts. For more information or to use the system please go online www.cccneb.edu/CareerCoach.

Counseling Services 

Central Community College offers a comprehensive counseling model with a variety of services that include counseling, outreach, prevention education and consultation. Individual and group counseling sessions are available to assist students struggling with problems including emotional, social, family or substance abuse issues. Central believes that resolving personal issues allows students to focus on their academic goals, which leads to a successful college experience. Students may access counseling services themselves or be referred by a CCC staff member. For more information visit http://www.cccneb.edu/counseling.

Dance Team

The CCC Dance Team, on the Columbus Campus, performs routines at home athletic events and other special events. The Dance Team provides students with an opportunity to dance, perform, and support athletic activities. Membership is by audition.

Disability Support Services Office

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Disability Support Services provides equal access to college programs, services and activities for qualified students with disabilities. Central Community College recognizes students with disabilities and provides reasonable services and accommodations to qualifying individuals on a case-by-case basis. Accommodations, access, and advising are available based on individual need. Other services may be provided on request. Students with special needs and/or disabilities are encouraged to seek and make use of available resources. Disability Support Services works closely with students who self-identify in order to ensure equal access to CCC programs activities and services. For more specific information or to request services please visit the Disability Services pages online www.cccneb.edu/Disability-Services.

Financial Aid

Central Community College participates in multiple financial aid programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Supplemental Educational Grant, Federal Direct Loan, Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), Nebraska Opportunity Grant, and various institutional, private and organizational scholarship programs.

All degree or diploma seeking students are eligible to apply for financial aid. Students must be enrolled for at least six semester hours (half-time) to be eligible for loans, work study and scholarships. To receive maximum eligibility levels, students must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours during any semester (fall, spring and summer).

Federal and state financial aid guidelines are subject to frequent change. The information in this section of the catalog was accurate as of 2020.

Financial Aid Ability to Benefit

Regulations require that students who will be receiving federal or state financial aid must have the ability to benefit from a college education. A student is determined to have met ability to benefit if he or she possesses one of the following: (1) a high school diploma; (2) a GED or its equivalent; or (3) home school completion certification.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

To apply for federal financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) online at fafsa.gov. Students should contact their CCC campus financial aid office if they have questions about the application process. This application is used to determine financial need at CCC. Most financial aid is awarded on the basis of financial need. Students can apply between October 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 for the 2019-20 academic year.

The information provided on the financial aid application will be used to prepare a Student Aid Report (SAR), which should be received about a week after applying. For assistance with the application process, please contact any CCC financial aid office or an EducationQuest office in Kearney, Lincoln, or Omaha.

Students who have completed financial aid files by April 1 will receive priority consideration for campus-based financial assistance. Students who complete their financial aid files by August 1 will have financial aid credited to their student account in time for fall semester registration. Financial aid applications submitted after August 1 will be processed in a timely manner on a first-come first-served basis.

Financial Aid Standards of Progress

The following components are measured to determine whether the student is meeting Standards of Academic Progress (SAP):

Grade Point Average: A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Pace Requirement: This component of the SAP policy is measuring the pace at which a student must progress through his or her program of study to ensure completion within the maximum time frame permitted and provides for a measurement of the student’s progress at the end of the semester. Pace is calculated by determining the cumulative number of credit hours the student has successfully completed divided by the number of cumulative credit hours the student has attempted. To meet the pace requirement, the student’s completion rate must be 67% or higher. Attempted credits include any course taken for credit while attending CCC with the exception of foundations coursework and certain certificate options. Credit hours transferred in from another institution are included in both attempted and completed credits. (In order to discount any transfer credits, a degree audit would need to be provided to the financial aid office from the student’s advisor indicating how many transfer credits are actually being used toward the current program of study.) Successfully completed credit hours include all grades between an A and a D-. Credit hours that will not count as successfully completed include letter grades of F (Fail) or I (Incomplete), D (Drop) or W (Withdrawal). Title IV funds can pay for repeat coursework previously taken in a program as long as it is not a result of more than one repetition of a previously passed course. A student becomes ineligible when it becomes mathematically impossible to complete his/her program within 150% of the length of the program.

Maximum Time Frame (rate of program completion): Students are expected to complete their program of study within a reasonable time period. A student’s MTF is based on total credit hours attempted at CCC plus any transfer credits accepted towards their program of study. These limits must apply regardless of whether or not the student received federal funding for all or any of the credits attempted.

Students are eligible to receive aid for up to 150% of the published number of credit hours for a program of study. Example: If a program of study requires 64 credit hours to graduate, the maximum credit limit a student can take and receive financial aid would be 96 (64 x 150%). All credit hours attempted are counted toward MTF, with the exception of foundations coursework and short-term certificate options including but not limited to Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Certified Medication Aide (MA), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), LPN Certification (LPN-C) and Truck Driving.

At the end of each semester, the total number of attempted credit hours will be counted to see if the student has reached the maximum number of credit hours for a program. This includes credit hours attempted in semesters where aid was not received, credit hours attempted prior to a change in a program of study, and credit hours transferred from another institution toward the program of study. Students who change majors should contact the financial aid office to find out how this affects their MTF. Also, students approaching or having reached maximum time frame have the right to file an appeal to request an extension.


Financial Aid Warning: Financial Aid Warning status is assigned to a student who fails to meet one or more of the SAP measures indicated above at the conclusion of a payment period. During a warning semester, the student may still receive financial aid. The student’s future financial aid eligibility is dependent upon how well the student does during the warning term. If the student completes the warning semester and now has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and an overall 67% or above completion ratio, the student will be removed from financial aid warning status and restored to good standing. If, however, the student again fails to meet one or both of these requirements, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Please Note: The Financial Aid Warning period does not apply to students failing or withdrawing 100% of their coursework in a term unless the students overall completion rate still falls at or above 67% and the cumulative GPA of 2.0 has been achieved. In the event of a 100% non-completion, students will be placed directly on financial aid suspension.

Suspension: A student will be placed on financial aid suspension if he/she fails to meet the academic standards of progress requirements at the end of a warning semester. This means losing eligibility for grants, federal work study, student loans, and institutional scholarships. Students who do not successfully complete any coursework in a term are automatically placed on suspension unless their overall completion rate at CCC still meets the 67% requirement and their cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 2.0.


A student may qualify for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility by enrolling in coursework at his/her own expense and bringing their cumulative GPA at or above 2.0 and by bringing their pace requirement up to 67% to meet the minimum requirements of the satisfactory academic progress policy.

Appeals: A student may appeal his or her financial aid suspension if extenuating circumstances (death of a family member, injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances) exist. Appeal forms are available at any CCC financial aid office and must include supporting documentation of the circumstances. In the appeal request the student must provide information regarding why he/she failed to meet the SAP requirements, and what has changed in the student’s situation that would allow them to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation. If a student’s appeal is granted, he or she will be placed on financial aid probation. A student on probation may receive aid for one payment period. At that point, the student must meet CCC’s standards of academic progress or the requirements of an academic plan that was established on an individual student basis as a result of the appeal process. Denied appeals may be directed to the CCC Area Director of Financial Aid Services.


Registration Status: The student’s official registration status for financial aid purposes is locked in at the end of the 100% refund period. This census date falls after the tenth class day in the fall and spring semesters for students who start classes on the first day of the term. Details on census date information is detailed in a separate section. The 100% refund period will most likely be different for summer coursework. Check with the financial aid office regarding questions about how summer aid awards will be determined.

Return of Federal Funds: Students who receive Federal financial aid but fail to complete any coursework will be subject to a Return of Federal Funds calculation and may be required to repay a portion of the aid that has been disbursed. Students who are considering withdrawing their entire class schedule should check with the Financial Aid Office first to find out what the consequences will be in terms of repayment and future financial aid eligibility.

Foundations Education Coursework: (Sometimes referred to as developmental or remedial coursework.) Students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 credits of foundations education coursework.

Incompletes: Incomplete grades are counted as an ‘F’ until they have been successfully completed within the appropriate time frame. The financial aid status will be reviewed when the course has been completed and the grade is changed.

Additional Degree: If a student has completed one program of study, he/she may qualify for federal, state or institutional aid for an additional qualifying program of study. The student will be required to meet with the aid office for a credit evaluation to determine eligibility.

Withdrawals: Students withdrawing all coursework during a semester will be placed on financial aid suspension, with the right to file an appeal. The only exception to this will be when the student has enough prior coursework successfully completed at CCC to still meet the overall 67% completion requirement and 2.0 minimum cumulative grade point average.

Evaluation Time Frame: All aid recipients will have their standards of academic progress evaluated at the end of each term of enrollment. Students placed on warning, probation, or suspension will be notified of their status via regular U.S. mail. It is the responsibility of the student to keep their address updated with the college.


Federal Pell Grant: This federal program provides direct grants to students to help pay college costs. For the 2020-21 academic year, amounts awarded to students ranged from $639 to $6,345, depending on the cost of education, financial need, length of enrollment period and registration status.

Federal Work Study: These programs provide part-time jobs on campus for students. Federal work study is based on need. Additionally, there are opportunities for community service work study jobs that may be either on- or off-campus.

Federal Direct Student Loan: This federal program provides educational loans to students. Dependent students in the first year of a program of study may borrow up to $5,500, while second-year students may borrow up to $6,500. Independent students have higher loan limits. The maximum amount undergraduates may borrow during their college program is $31,000 for dependent students and $57,500 for independent students.

Students are classified first-year for student loan purposes until they earn 30 credit hours pursuant toward an eligible program of study. Loan grade levels will be evaluated at the end of each term and impacted students will be notified of the grade level advancement.

Both subsidized and unsubsidized loan programs are available. Financial need and other sources of financial aid determine the loan program or programs for which students are eligible.

Repayment of loans begins six months after the student graduates, withdraws from college, or drops below half-time enrollment status, unless the student consolidates their loans. Students are advised to contact their loan servicer for details.

The financial aid director on each campus may refuse to certify a loan or certify a loan for less than the requested amount. This must be done on a case-by-case basis according to the guidance provided by federal regulations. The reason(s) for the decision will provided to the student in writing, upon request.

Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS): The PLUS program assists eligible parents in paying college costs. Eligible parents of dependent students can borrow up to the cost of attendance, minus other financial aid. Parents are required to begin repayment shortly after receiving the loan unless they are granted a deferment. Deferment information is available from the lender or loan servicer.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity (FSEOG) and Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG) Programs: The federal and state governments provide funding for these grant programs. FSEOG and NOG funds are awarded to students having the greatest need. Priority for FSEOG is given to Pell Grant recipients with the lowest EFC. Students with an expected family contribution of $6,282 during the 2020-21 academic year may be considered for NOG. The cut-off on EFC’s for NOG eligibility are subject to change every year by the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Post-Secondary Education.

Scholarships: Various scholarships are available to CCC students. Scholarship applications are typically available on the CCC website by December 1 for the upcoming academic year. Deadline to apply is March 1 for most scholarship programs. For more information on availability of scholarship after the deadline, please contact the financial aid office at any of the following sites:

Financial Aid Office
P.O. Box 1027
Columbus, NE 68602-1027
(402) 562-1290 or 1-877-222-0780

Grand Island
Financial Aid Office
P.O. Box 4903
Grand Island, NE 68802-4903
(308) 398-7555 or 1-877-222-0780

Financial Aid Office
P.O. Box 1024
Hastings, NE 68902-1024
(402) 461-2413 or 1-877-222-0780

Kearney Center
Financial Aid Office
P.O. Box 310
Kearney, NE 68847-0310
(308) 338-4041 or 1-877-222-0780

Food Service - Provided by Chartwells

Cafeteria service is provided by Chartwells at both Columbus and Hastings. A snack bar is provided at Grand Island. The cafeterias are closed during student breaks. Cafeteria and snack bar hours are posted on each campus. More information about campus dining is available online www.cccneb.edu/Campus-Dining.

Students residing on-campus must contract for both room and board. Students residing on-campus must contract for both room and board. Weekend meals are provided to residential students who sign up for the 19-meal plan. Students residing off-campus may also make arrangements for a meal plan by contacting the dining services director on their campus.


Intramural athletic programs are provided at Columbus, Grand Island, and Hastings. Depending on the campus they attend, students may participate in basketball, softball, volleyball, flag football, soccer, and bowling. Other intramural sports may be provided if enough students are interested. Contact the Student Activities Director on your campus for more information.

Library/Resource Center

Library services are provided on each campus and hours of operation are posted. The Central Community College (CCC) Resource Centers offer a broad range of print materials, online databases, computers and equipment, and friendly guidance to help students access the resources necessary to excel in their coursework. CCC provides students access to online databases such as EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and ERIC, and offers checkout of print materials to students or anyone with a Nebraska driver’s license. More information is available online www.cccneb.edu/library.

Music and Theatre

Students of the Columbus campus may participate in vocal and instrumental groups and theatre productions. These performance opportunities are available to all students. Previous experience is not required.

Registered Sex Offenders

The “Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act” of 2000 which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, requires colleges and universities to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by the state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. In accordance to this Act, CCC is providing a link to the Nebraska State Patrol Web site at: https://sor.nebraska.gov/. Unlawful use of the information for purposes of intimidating or harassing another person is prohibited is punishable under the law.

The “Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act” of 2000 also requires sex offenders already required to register in NE to provide notice of each institution of higher education in that State at which the person is employed, carries a vocation, or is a student. Registration may be done at the Associate Dean of Students offices at each campus and must be done each semester. More information is available in the Student Handbook available online www.cccneb.edu/StudentHandbook.

Registration Procedures

The college has Registration and Student Records offices at the Hastings, Columbus, and Grand Island campuses. General registration is held prior to the beginning of classes each semester. At that time, students who have not previously registered should meet with an advisor to plan a class schedule. WebCentral may also be used to evaluate programs of study (the website will evaluate classes taken and show classes needed for graduation for your program) and determine appropriate courses for registration. Registration dates for the semester are specified on the college calendar.

Students must pay for their classes at the time of registration or elect to pay prior to the established payment deadline. It is each student’s responsibility to become familiar with registration schedules, deadlines, completion of registration forms, and obtaining required signatures.

Students planning to enroll at sites other than one of the three campuses can register for classes using WebCentral webcentral.cccneb.edu, by calling PhoneCentral (308) 398-7412, or contacting the nearest learning center in your area. The center staff will assist with the registration process.

Adding, Dropping, or Withdrawing from Courses

Adding, dropping, or withdrawing from courses can impact a student’s financial aid, ability to reside in the residence hall, and how much a student pays for college. It is important for students to fully understand the financial effects of decisions to change their schedule. It is strongly recommended that prior to adding, dropping or withdrawing from a course, students consult with the staff in the Student Accounts Office and in the Financial Aid Office, if the student is receiving financial aid, prior to making changes. Students are responsible for initiating adding a course to their schedule, requesting a course be dropped, and also for initiating a course withdrawal.

Adding Courses

Students may add courses to their schedule during open/general registration and during the free drop and add period of a semester. Please refer to the college calendar for the exact dates. Some courses and workshops have flexible start dates or may begin after the start of a semester. Check with the registration technicians at each campus for details. Students who add courses during a term will pay the current tuition and fees for each credit hour added.

Instructor or associate dean approval is required to add lecture and online courses during the second week of classes. After the free drop period, students will not be allowed to register for lecture or online courses without a signed Enrollment Exception form.

Any student registering for over 20 credits for the Fall and Spring term and over 12 credits for summer term will require special approval by the division dean of instruction responsible for the students declared program of study.

Students may add classes by:

  1. Online using WebCentral
  2. Completing a Add/Drop form and submitting it to the registration office on campus
  3. Calling Phone Central (308) 398-7412

The Difference between a Dropped Course and a Withdrawn Course

“Dropping” a course is different from “Withdrawing” from a course. “Dropping” only applies during the registration period before classes start and in the beginning days of a class up to the free drop date. A dropped course is completely removed from a student’s records and will not appear on a transcript. Classes that are removed from a student’s schedule after the free drop date has passed are considered “Withdrawals.” A course that a student has withdrawn from will remain on a student’s transcripts and will appear with a grade of “W”.

Dropping Courses

The free drop date is published in the academic calendar for courses that meet for the entire 16 weeks of a semester. Drop dates for classes that are not scheduled to meet for the entire 16 weeks of a semester are available at the Registration Offices on each of the campuses. Students can drop classes and receive a 100% refund or exchange equal credits free of charge on or before the free drop date for the course.

Federal Student Aid recipients who add and drop courses during the semester should consult with the staff in the Financial Aid Office because financial aid eligibility may be affected.

Students may drop courses by:

  1. Completing a Add/Drop form and submitting it to the registration office on campus
  2. Sending a request via their college email account to the Registrar’s office
  3. Calling PhoneCentral (308) 398-7412

Withdrawing From Courses

Course withdraws may be made prior to the last day to withdraw, based on the course’s scheduled session length (see chart). A student may not withdraw from a course after the published last day to withdraw or the course end date, whichever comes first.

Students may withdraw from classes by:

  1. Completing a Add/Drop form after the free drop date has passed for the course and submitting it to the registration office on campus
  2. Sending a request via their college email account to the registrar’s office
  3. Calling PhoneCentral (308) 398-7412 and requesting to be withdrawn from the course. A verification number will be given to students who withdraw from a course via PhoneCentral.

When Students May Withdraw from Classes (Deadlines)

Course Scheduled Session Length College Instructional Days - Student May Withdraw
17 Weeks or Greater

Prior to the last 20 days of class of a 16 week course in the same semester.
(Same as a 16 week class)

16-13 Weeks

prior to the last 20 days of class

12-9 Weeks

prior to the last 14 days of class

8-5 Weeks

prior to the last 10 days of class

4-1 Weeks

prior to the last 3 days of class

1-0 Weeks prior to the first day of class

Course Prerequisites

For a student to be successful, basic skill-building knowledge is needed prior to taking more advanced college courses. Prerequisite courses are to be taken and passed prior to taking a more advanced course. A prerequisite in the career and technical program courses can be waived by Credit by Program Examination/Prior Learning if it is determined that a student has met those requirements through previously taking a similar course or through related life experiences. Equivalent transfer courses will also satisfy the prerequisite. The prerequisite course instructor will submit a Credit by Program/Prior Learning form to the Registration Office. General education prerequisites cannot be waived.

Withdrawal from College

Withdrawal from college constitutes withdrawing from all registered courses in a semester.

It is recommended that all students who withdraw from college consult with their academic advisor prior to withdrawing. Withdrawal procedures must be completed properly to avoid possible problems regarding residence hall charges, re-enrollment, financial balances, grades, and transcript discrepancies.

Students who officially withdraw from college will be given a refund of institutional charges, if due, in accordance with the tuition and fees refund statement and rules for the refund of meal plan fees from their housing contract (if applicable). Federal student aid recipients who withdraw from college should refer to the Return of Federal Title IV Funds section of the college catalog. Students who withdraw from college that are financial aid recipients typically have to pay financial aid funds back to the federal government and this could reduce or eliminate any refund of tuition, fees or meal plan funds. Balances owed to the federal government may prevent use of financial aid in the future both at CCC and at other institutions of higher education.

Registration Office-Student Records

Academic Bankruptcy

See the Academic Bankruptcy section on the Instructional Information  page.

Records Retention

The college will comply with Revised State Statutes 84-1201 to 84-1226 and federal statutes. A copy of the state “Records Retention and Disposition Schedule” is located the Office of the Vice President for Administration. Federal requirements are listed in Guide to Record Retention Requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (copy available at the Administrative Office).



Only the Registration Office has the authority to make address changes. Student Accounts Offices are responsible for a student’s accounts receivable address if it is different than the permanent address. The student’s permanent address and work phone number will be collected.

Students who change their home address or mailing address are expected to notify CCC of this change immediately using WebCentral, or by contacting the campus Registration Office. Documentation may be required.

Resident Status

The parents’ address is considered the permanent address for dependent students in determining residency. Students not financially dependent on their parents must live in Nebraska for 180 days with the bona fide intention of making Nebraska their permanent residence as outlined in Revised State Statutes of Nebraska.


The Campus Records Office assists students with the registration process, maintains student records, provides transcripts, verifies and certifies enrollment status, issues grade reports, issues degrees, diplomas, and certificates, and processes name and address changes. All courses registered for, and in progress, at Central Community College (CCC) will be reflected on a student’s transcript.

To make a request for a transcript, go to www.cccneb.edu/Transcript-Request/

Residence Life/On-Campus Student Housing

On-campus residence halls are available at Columbus and Hastings for full-time students and other students approved by the housing director on each campus. Private apartment style residences are available adjacent to the Grand Island campus.

On-campus residence hall rooms are furnished with beds, mattresses, wardrobes, and study desks. Students residing in the residence halls must provide their own bedding, pillows, towels, and personal items. The residence halls will be closed to students during the December/January holiday break. Students requesting to stay over other breaks must notify the housing office director one week prior to the break. Please review the Residence Hall Handbook online http://www.cccneb.edu/housing for more complete information about residence hall living.

Residence Key Cards

All students living in the residence halls will be provided a residence hall key card at the time they check into campus housing. In the event a residence hall student loses, breaks, or needs a key card replaced, the housing department will replace the first key card free of charge. In the event a residence hall student needs to replace their key card a second time, a $10.00 residence hall key card replacement fee will be charged for each additional request.

For specific on-campus residence hall information, contact the Campus Housing Office at Columbus or Hastings. For information on private housing in Grand Island, contact the Admissions Office.

There is no on-campus housing for married students. Upon request, information about off-campus rentals, of which the campus has been notified, will be available in the Housing Office.

Student Activities

Student activity opportunities for co-curricular learning activities and campus involvement are available. Through the Student Activities program, students have the opportunity to participate in events and activities that are designed to encourage campus engagement along with personal, educational, and professional growth.

The following programs and opportunities are available through the Student Activities Offices:

     • Student Clubs and Organizations
     • Guest Lecturers and Performers
     • Campus Activities and Programs

Student Organizations

Student organizations provide opportunities for students to round-out their college experience. Information about organizations on individual campuses is available online www.cccneb.edu/Student-Organizations and with the Student Activities staff on each campus.

Testing Center/Assessment Services

Assessments to measure basic skills, interests, aptitude, and abilities are available to all students. Services help students determine academic and career goals, complete pre-enrollment assessment, and help to identify specific strengths or deficiencies in educational preparation or skills.

TRiO/Student Support Services (SSS)

The TRiO Student Support Services program is a federally funded program available college-wide to provide resources for first-generation college, low income, or students with disabilities to help facilitate the successful completion of their educational program. Student participants receive one-on-one assistance and advice from TRiO staff members. Studies of TRiO participants have shown that they are more likely to stay in school, complete coursework, graduate, or transfer to a four-year institutions than similar students who are not in a TRiO program. Contact the TRiO/SSS Coordinator located at any CCC campus about participation in this program. Participation is limited by grant parameters. More information about TRiO is available online www.cccneb.edu/TRiO.


Please see the Academic Success Center information for details.

Veterans & Military Information

The U.S.  Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) evaluates and approves Central Community College’s (CCC) educational programs on a program-by-program basis for eligibility of funding under the VA Education Benefits and other programs.

Veterans exiting, or returning from, military service who are interested in attending college may contact these offices for more information regarding benefit eligibility or assistance with the application process:

  • Veterans & Military Resource Centers (VMRC) on the nearest CCC campus
  • The Veteran’s Service Office for the county of residence
  • The Lincoln VA Regional Office, 3800 Village Drive, Lincoln, NE 68516
  • VA Educational Benefits website benefits.va.gov/gibill/ for VA Educational benefits information, establish eligibility and create the *required* application
  • CCC’s Website https://www.cccneb.edu/resources-for-veterans-and-military for more information.

When the Certificate of Eligibility is received from the VA, provide a copy to the CCC VA Certifying Official to verify enrollment and class attendance.  The VA Certifying Officials are the Student Records Coordinators located in the Registration offices at Columbus, Hastings and Grand Island.  Contact the VMRC or a VA Certifying Official for assistance. 

CCC students receiving VA benefits are responsible for notifying instructors and the VA Certifying Official of any of their program changes, including changes in class schedules and course load.  VA educational benefits could be in jeopardy if procedures aren’t followed; the VA requires specific information which cannot be supplied unless the benefit recipient complies with the procedures.

The VA requires benefit recipients to make normal progress in their course of study and meet the college’s standard of progress, which can be obtained from the Records Coordinator.

Veterans & Military policies and procedures also apply to eligible dependents.  For more information please visit the Veterans and Military Resource Center online www.cccneb.edu/veterans.

Students Called to Active Duty with United States Armed Forces

CCC’s guidelines provide, for any student called to active duty, a penalty-free method for withdrawing/leaving.  The student is responsible to produce written evidence of being called to active duty, normally in the form of activation orders.  If orders are not immediately available, a letter from the student’s Commanding Officer, stating the individual is being called to active duty and pending publication of orders is acceptable.  Guidelines apply to all students regardless of service branch (Army, Air Force, Marine, Navy and Coast Guard) or affiliation (National Guard, Reserves or Active duty).  Activation means the non-voluntary call to duty of a member of the Armed Forces for either state or federal service.

  • CCC faculty and staff on each campus are responsible for working with activated students to determine if a withdrawal, deletion or other option will best fit an individual student’s needs.  Some short-term activation (state emergencies) may not require action unless the student’s ability to complete their course work would be put in jeopardy.

  • If applicable, rules and policies of a scholarship donor or awarding agency shall govern disposition of any remaining financial aid, scholarship, grants and other similar financial assistance.

  • Before any refunds are made, all charges with the college will be satisfied.

CCC Chapter 31 (Veteran’s Readiness and Employment) or Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill) Benefits Policy

A Covered Individual is any individual entitled to educational assistance under Chapters 31 or 33.  Any Covered Individual is permitted to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual (under Chapter 33) or the VA Case Manager (under Chapter 31) provides a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to CCC and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  • The date on which payment from the VA is made to CCC,
  • 90 days after the date CCC certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

CCC will not impose any penalty, assess late fees, deny access to classes, libraries or other institutional facilities or require a Covered Individual to borrow additional funds due to the individual’s inability to meet financial obligations to CCC because of delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs under Chapters 31 or 33.  This requirement is limited only to the portion of funds paid directly to CCC by the VA.

Veterans & Military Resource Center

CCC has fully staffed Veterans and Military Resource Centers (VMRC) on the Columbus, Grand Island and Hastings campuses and at the Kearney Center.  The centers recognize and support veteran and military students during transition from military to student life.  The VMRC’s mission is to provide student veterans, service members and their families with the resources, support and advocacy needed to be successful in the classroom and, ultimately, in life.

VMRCs are dedicated areas designed to connect with other students who share common backgrounds, experiences and goals; camaraderie is the key objective.  Each VMRC has access to resources to address issues with services or obtain answers to questions regarding other Veteran organizations or groups and activities and provides a true veteran network.

CCC’s VMRCs have earned two distinct national awards specifically for Veteran and Military Services.  These awards are: Top Military Friendly School from GI Jobs Magazine, 2012 through 2020 and #1 Best for Vets for 2-year Colleges by Military Times Magazine, 2013 through 2020.

The VMRCs are located at:

  • Columbus Campus Room 208
  • Grand Island Campus Room 444
  • Hastings Campus, Hall Student Union Room 163
  • Kearney Center Room 231

For more information please visit the Veterans and Military Resource Center online www.cccneb.edu/veterans.