General Education Groups
Group A: Communications
Students will receive and express information, ideas, and opinions in an effective and clear manner to a variety of audiences utilizing multiple formats and styles of communication.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates are prepared to:
- communicate a purpose to an audience.
- organize information to express ideas clearly.
- apply critical thinking skills.
- incorporate information from sources ethically and effectively.
- apply rules of standard English in written and oral communications.
Group B: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Students will use critical thinking and logical problem solving techniques to research and evaluate information, analyze problems, formulate conclusions, and communicate results.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates are prepared to:
- investigate and evaluate information.
- analyze problems.
- formulate conclusions.
- report results.
Group C: Life and Career Skills
Students will develop the necessary interpersonal, intrapersonal, and professional skills to be successful in ever-changing life and work environments..
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates are prepared to:
- demonstrate life and work balance skills and concepts.
- demonstrate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
- acquire job readiness skills.
- conduct self with professional and ethical behavior.
- acquire entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mindset.
Group D: Information & Technology Literacy
Students will use digital technology, communication/networking tools, social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and effectively present information in an increasingly technological society.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates are prepared to:
- exhibit technology literacy.
- demonstrate technology skills.
Group E: Global Awareness
Students will develop a sensitivity to and awareness of global issues from a cultural, historical, aesthetic, and philosophical context.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates are prepared to:
GEN ED E1: Humanities
- demonstrate an awareness of a broad range of works or concepts as a reflection of specific cultures, times, and/or places.
- correlate a work or concept to its cultural contexts.
- interpret the impact of a work or concept on the human condition.
- analyze a work or concept and its influence on the individual and society.
- explain how a work or concept connects to global issues/concerns.
GEN ED E2: Social Science
- correlate relationships between individuals and global society.
- demonstrate an understanding of modern society in light of past and present events and issues.
- interpret the impact of global awareness on a person’s environment.
- analyze objective data from various disciplines to draw conclusions about global issues.
- explain the social responsibilities necessary to become a civic-minded global citizen.
General Education Philosophy
General Education introduces students to knowledge and skills that enable them to fulfill education and occupational goals while at the same time enlightening them about social and cultural aspects of life. General education gives students the ability to be life-long learners who can adapt to change. Drawing from communications, social and behavioral sciences, humanities and fine arts, life skills, mathematics, and natural sciences, Central Community College has designed a curriculum which maximizes student and community success.