Dec 26, 2024
2020-2021 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHRM 1120 - Principles of Pharmacology2 credit(s) The following course must be taken before or at the same time: PHRM 1110 - Introduction to Pharmacy Technology , PHRM 1130 - Pharmacy Practice Lab , PHRM 1220 - Prescription Basics
Study body parts and systems and common disease states of each major system. The student will learn various drug dosage forms, routes of administration. The student will become familiar with top 200 commonly prescribed drugs. Understand common drugs, pronunciation, interactions that treat each major body system diseases. The student will study classification, common side effects and interactions of generally prescribed medications for each major body system. Study basic biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of medication. Identify common drug information resources. Contact Hours: Class- 30 Practical Lab- 0 Clinical- 0 Internship- 0